Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Server from 80 dollar /1 month

HOME > Dedicated Servers

  • ● 10M bps/100M bps/1 Gbps bandwidth
  • ● Full Managed services with 50 dollar /1 month
  • ● if you contract Multi servers, discounts available!

【High Performance Dedicated server with Dedicated Internet Connection for only You!!】

  • Same-day Opening Option ( 50 dollar / 1 month ) Unlimited accounts and Unlimited domains Server operations, administrations, monitoring included
  • Servers + Internet Access + Options = Delivery time [Minimum order] Initial fee 400 dollar + 80 dollar/month = 1360 dollar / 1 year, delivery time 1 week ( Tribute Plan with 10M bps Line, 12 moth payment)
  • one Dedicated Line
  • 10M bps(dedicated) / 100M bps(dedicated) / 1 Gbps(Shared by 5 servers) / 1 Gbps(dedicated)
  • 1-509 IP addresses (depends on Internet Connection)
  • Add 2nd and more servers from 80 dollar/ 1 month to your Internet Connection ( multiple IP addresses required )
  • [ Same-day Opening Option ] Administration 24/7 administration and monitoring are FREE
  • [ Same-day Opening Option ] Branding Use your own domain name and server name with customizable control panel
  • [ Same-day Opening Option ] Shared SSL certificates FREE Shared SSL certificates bundled

No FREE trial or refunds for this Plan

plan Tribute Greatest Hits Jukebox
CPU Celeron G1101 2.26 GHz Xeon E3-1240 3.30 GHz Xeon E3-1240 3.30 GHz
CPU cores/threads 2/2 4/8 4/8
DataCenter Located in Japan Located in Japan Located in Japan
Traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
OS CentOS 6 CentOS 6 CentOS 6
Initial 400 dollar(tax included) 1,500 dollar(tax included) 2,200 dollar(tax included)
6 moth payment 550 dollar(tax included) 1,500 dollar(tax included) 1,800 dollar(tax included)
12 moth payment 960 dollar(tax included) 2,520 dollar(tax included) 3,600 dollar(tax included)
order now

Internet Connection Best efford Speed of Internet you can choice to Internet Speed and IP addresses

Internet Speeds IP monthly Fee Initial Fee term of start on contract
10Mbps Dedicateed Internet connection 1 0 dollar none 1 week
200Mbps InternetConnection (about ~180Mbps) 1 100 dollar none 1week
5 200 dollar none 1 week
13 250 dollar none 1weel
29 350 dollar none 1week
61 750 dollar none 1week
125 1200 dollar none 1wee
1Gbps Internet connection until 5 servers 1 300 dollar 500 dollar 1week
1Gbps dedicated Internet Connection (about ~800Mbps) 5 1000 dollar 1000 dollar 3week
13 2000 dollar 1500 dollar 3week
29 2200 dollar 1800 dollar 3week
61 2500 dollar 1800 dollar 3week
125 3000 dollar 1800 dollar 3week
253 3500 dollar 1800 dollar 3week
509 4000 dollar 1800 dollar 3week
add on internet connection - 0 dollar none 1 week

change of storage 1 time to payment, on initial set up fee

plan Tribute Greatest Hits Jukebox
1TB 200 dollar - -
1TB RAID1 300 dollar - -
2TB 200 dollar 300 dollar) -
2TB RAID1 300 dollar 300 dollar -

Option of Installing of Interworx and Cpanel we can manage of server administration.

Fee Include of server addministration Initial fee 100 dollar
monthly fee 50 dollar
Percentage of Contract of this service 90%
support Server addministration  24/7 user support
24/365 monitoring
root ×
Customer support ×
customize original server name
original DNS host name  Logo /Copyright /change of Link is OK
original server name
customize of control panel
ADMIN control panel administration of user account
setting of hosting plan
account of administrator  admin account is OK for many account. Authentication setting is OK.
DNS setting
USER User account administration Number of user accounts  anytime you can get making unlimited accounts
administration account  Making admin accounts is OK.
Multi domains  unlimited
aileas domains     unlimited
subdomains  unlimited
USER FTP/SSH FTP accounts unlimited
SSH (CUI/shell )
SSH accounts
USER e-mail unlimited
Web mail 3 pattern of web mail we can provide.
Usage of other server
make mail address to fowarding unlimited
all of sending on one time unlimited
auto responder(Auto reply) unlimited
mail filter
spam filter
Virus filter
USER Environment of program working MySQL 5 unlimited
SQLite 3 (via pdo)
PHP 5.3
Perl 5
Ruby on Rails
library of image work GD、ImageMagick、NetPBM
USER control panel Number of Admin account
file access from web
password Authentication
USER easy.htaccess directory Number of setting is umilimted.all web site and all of directory.
Access Control permit and refuse from host name.
MIME type setting
setting of handler
default language setting
setting of PHP Environment variable Environment variable of PHP can change /Setting of Magic Quotes GPC / Setting of Register Globals / many things do example of appearence of error massage
redirect redirect to other resources because settings
setting of index seting of access the file and the path without index
protect of direct Link Protect the direct link from other site to your site.
USER Server Log AWStats Grafical UI and we recommend this software.
Analog simple UI and very popular log analtics software.
Access log files  7 days
error Log fiels  7days
USER SSL shared SSL   https://(server name)/~(user name)/
USER Backup Prevent of data
data backup on local PC
data backup to other server  upload autmatically via FTP、SFTP、SCP
work on schuule  every day/every week/every month/ same time

work option

work option installing of software 90 dollar/ 1 time
midnigth work + 100 dollar / 1 time
work on root admin [ 30 minutes ] fee [ over 30 minutes ] first of 1 hour 100 dollar、after、1 by 1 hours is 50 dollar.
work on DateCenter first 1 hours is 250 dollar after ,1 by 1 hours is 100 dllar / hours.
Control panel